Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Let Freedom Ring

The song we listened to in class, "Let Freedom Ring" was a very inspirational song which means a lot when you really listen to the lyrics. I liked that it had quotes in the song from Martin Luther King Jr. "Let Freedom Ring", "I have a Dream", "This Must Become True", and "So Let Freedom Ring." The fact that they added those quotes from MLK made the song have a lot more meaning. Throughout the song they talked about many inspirational people who really had a motivation to make this country equal such as JFK, MLK, Malcom X, Rosa Parks, Gandhi, and Henry David Thoreau who all had a contribution to equality. Going back to a video that we watched in the beginning of the semester called "I Pledge." Something really stuck out to me in the video and that was a black man that said something along the lines of I will see myself as an American instead of an African American. I think this means a lot because saying that he will see himself as an American just shows that we are all equal and when it comes down to it we are all Americans.

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